Posts with the tag lambda:
Highlights HashiCorp State of Cloud Strategy Survey HahiCorp surveyed 3200+ decision-makers from their contact database. Here are key takeaways:
76% of the companies are already multi-cloud. 86% plan to be multi-cloud in two years. 90% of large corporations adopt multi-cloud solutions while only 60% of startups moved towards this direction. Digital transformation is the main multi-cloud driver. Other reasons are avoiding single cloud vendor lock, cost reduction, and scaling. Service mesh adoption is expected to grow 2.
Highlights Logging at Twitter: Updated Centralized logging at Twitter was limited by low ingestion capacity and query capabilities which resulted in poor adoption. The previous solution ingested around 600K events per second per data center. However, only around 10% of the logs were submitted, with the remaining 90% discarded by the rate limiter. To address this, Twitter adopted Splunk Enterprise and migrated centralized logging to it. Now it ingests 4 times more logging data and has a better query engine and better user adoption.
I’ve received incredible feedback on my last week’s blog post Amazon API Gateway with Lambda is the Next Generation of Web Frameworks.
As Adrian Mace suggested, there is a new Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool from Amazon, called AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit). I missed this awesome tool. To quote Adrian:
“CDK allows you to define your infrastructure using imperative languages like TypeScript, Python, or Golang with the full powers that those languages can provide, and then ‘compiles down’ into Cloudformation templates upon deploy/synth.
A short history of web frameworks What is a web framework? A web framework is a set of tools for the rapid development of server-side applications that provides a boilerplate to simplify the implementation of common tasks. According to MDN, those tasks are routing URLs to appropriate handlers, interacting with databases, supporting sessions and user authorization, formatting output (e.g. HTML, JSON, XML), and improving security against web attacks. The most popular web frameworks are Ruby on Rails, Django, Flask, FastAPI, Express, Laravel.
Highlights AWS: Diving Deep on S3 Consistency Werner Vogels, CTO at Amazon, shares the journey of building strong consistency for AWS S3. When S3 was launched 15 years ago in 2006, it was simple storage for files, backups, etc. The eventual consistency model was more than enough for such purposes. This means that sometimes API would return an older version of the object that was not yet propagated through the nodes.